Artist Statement
There are many roles I play in my life such as woman, mother, wife, daughter, and artist. Sometimes, it feels like these roles imply high personal and social expectations. My work is based on my complex feeling about the meaning of these roles and the different emotions they provoke in me: happiness, sadness, hope, frustration, desperation, passion, and rage. I use these diverse emo#ons to expose the conflict which arises from the fact the same person is playing a few roles at the same time. Through my work, I express the emo#ons that I succumb to in my life by juxtaposing unrealis#c images of my body with realistic images of animals. Pueng contrasting images in my work is my way of crea#ng my own reality. The complicated issues of my life are not reflected in my works, which are bright and colorful. In the process of creting artistic images, my difficult feelings are transformed into vibrant shapes and colors.

2015 Art Education Thesis Show, Leidy Gallery, Fred Lazarus IV Center, Maryland Institute College of Art, MD, U.S. July 2015
Feroticism Solo Show, Gallery SU, Seoul, South Korea, May 2010
Women's Day Group Show, Duckwon Gallery, Seoul, South Korea, September 2010
"Sam" Kookmin University Thesis Show, Kookmin Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea, November 2009
Asia Young Artist Festival Group Show, Next Kyong-Bok Palace, Seoul, South Korea, July 2009
Day Dreaming Solo Show, Kookmin Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea, June 2009